over the years i have become many things;
physicist, erp wish granter, market analysis enthusiast, music maker, synth collector, problem solver, drone fanboy, lagavulin drinker...
i enjoy learning about complex systems and their variables and interactions. this path initially took me into financial markets, led to some studies and formal education on physics and analog circuitry systems, and is culminating in applications of business development relative to process flow and production in respect to an environment which can manage the niche needs of a particular industry.
my musical work can be found on lambdacorporation.net, currently hip hop falls under ceesh, ambient under grassbloc.
drone shots and musical promo can be found on my primary instagram, @ceeshyyy
if you have a problem, there's a good chance I would have fun trying to solve it, feel free to email codysherman77@gmail.com
for musical and media inquiries please email lambdaceesh@gmail.com